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Multi-Asset Insights

Strategic Forum Series
12 junio 2023
    Descargar el documento completoPDF, 3.93MB


    As we enter a new economic regime characterised by higher interest rates and higher, more unpredictable inflation, asset allocators have to update their strategy playbook to achieve true diversification, which is needed more than ever.

    Exploring the consequences of the economic regime shift

    • A key element that allowed a traditional equity / bond portfolio to thrive post 2000 was a reliably negative correlation between the two asset classes. But in 2022, correlations between equities and bonds reached much higher levels than in the recent past, close to pre-dot-com, bubble levels, leading the traditional 60/40 portfolio to suffer one of its worst years in history
    • Given existing pressures on both growth and inflation, investors should be prepared for a more volatile relationship and rethink portfolio diversifiers
    • Among possible options available to asset allocators, inflation-linked bonds could be of interest for those who anticipate that we could face another inflationary episode in the years to come - current implied inflation curves are close to flat
    • Similarly, gold remains a reserve asset of choice for those playing the long game and want to limit their exposure to duration, credit and liquidity risks
    • Within equity allocations, value stocks continue to suffer so far this year but might be set for a comeback, supported by additional capital expenditure in infrastructure and duplication of supply chains

    Opportunities and challenges around thematic investing

    • As investors look for new approaches to portfolio construction, and tools to improve performance, thematic investing has attracted increasing attention
    • On the bright side, thematics are forward looking (versus market cap based allocations) and can provide excess return above traditional equity beta. But they can also exhibit strong factor biases – particularly small cap and growth – versus equity markets, and are prone to elevated volatility and drawdowns
    • Put simply, thematics have potential to add value in typical asset allocations, but they can also reveal disappointing results if not managed as part of a disciplined framework that captures key considerations – such as theme momentum, company fundamentals and diversification