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HSBC On the Road to Net Zero - Step 3 : Portfolio Alignment

Portfolio Alignment

HSBC On the Road to Net Zero - Step 3: Portfolio Alignment


Today, we and many of our customers contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. We have a strategy to reduce our own emissions and to develop solutions to help our clients invest sustainably.

The information presented concerns the activity of HSBC Asset Management globally. We draw your attention on the fact that the numbers presented and the commitments listed are not necessarily a direct reflection of those of HSBC Asset Management in the various jurisdictions.

HSBC Asset Management is a signatory to the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, with a 2050 net zero objective across all assets. It has set an interim target of reducing scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions intensity by 58 per cent by 2030 for 38 per cent of HSBC Asset Management’s assets under management. These assets under management in scope for the target consist of listed equity and corporate fixed income managed within its major investment hubs in UK, Hong Kong SAR, France, Germany and US, which amounted to USD193.9 billion at 31/12/2019. Implementation of the net zero targets remains subject to consultation with stakeholders including investors and fund boards on whose behalf we manage the assets. The 58 per cent target is based on assumptions for financial markets and other data, including the IEA Net Zero emissions by 2050 scenario and its underlying activity growth assumptions. Carbon emissions intensity measured as tCO2e/US$Mn invested, where emissions are scaled by enterprise values including cash. For more details, please refer to our webpage: https://www.netzeroassetmanagers.org/signatories/hsbc-asset-management/