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PRI assessment result 2023

5-star ratings achieved in most categories
18 enero 2024

    We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded 5 stars - the best possible rating - for ‘Policy, Governance and Strategy’ and in most categories by asset class. These high ratings reflect the relevance and quality of our approach to sustainability as well as our efforts to integrate ESG considerations across our capabilities.

    PRI assessment result 2023

    1. SSA standing for Sovereigns / Supranational / Agencies
    The score figures displayed in the document relate to the past and past scores should not be seen as an indication of future scores. Sources: UNPRI, HSBC Asset Management as of Dec 2023. For illustrative purposes only. PRI signatories are required to report publicly on their responsible investment activities each year, based on which an Assessment Report is issued. For more information, please read:

    What is our rating?

    Among listed asset classes, we received the top, five-star rating in all fixed incomes categories and in active fundamental equities (compared to four stars last year). Applying a rigorous approach to ESG and sustainability in our unlisted capabilities allowed us to obtain ratings of between four and five stars across our flagship alternatives capabilities, which shows also improvement compared to last year’s result. To view our previous scores, please click on here.

    What our scoring means for us

    Being a PRI signatory provides us with valuable feedback that enables continuous enhancement of our responsible investment processes, in a targeted way.

    What is the UN PRI?

    The United Nations PRI reporting is the largest global reporting project on responsible investment. It was developed with investors, for investors. The reporting ensures transparency and accountability on responsible investment practices.

    Joining the PRI is a voluntary initiative. When signing the principles, signatories commit to reporting on their responsible investment activities annually. HSBC Asset Management was an early PRI signatory in June 2006, and publicly committed to adopting and implementing the six investment principles2.

    2 UN PRI principles, https://www.unpri.org/about-us/what-are-the-principles-for-responsible-investment.

    Click here to Responsible investing


    Today, we and many of our customers contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. This is why HSBC Asset Management, together with other asset managers, have an important role to play in supporting the transition to a net zero economy. Step by step, we are developing strategies to reduce our own emissions and to help our customers reduce theirs.